From 6 to 8 June, Fachhochschule Dresden (FHD) – University of Applied Sciences became a centre for international cooperation and innovation. As part of the Game4Change project, 44 students from over 20 nations came together for a boot camp. Participants from DOBA Business School (Slovenia), WSB University (Poland), Rotterdam Business School RUAS  (Netherlands) and FHD spent three

Education is changing, and before this change can enter the classroom, teachers need to be sensitised and trained: for example, through G4C:NGE's Teacher Training Bootcamp. Imagine: Teachers from different corners of Europe gathered for an intensive two-day training that not only changed their teaching methods, but also their way of thinking about teaching. The key? Gamification The

A significant milestone was reached for the G4C:NGE project as the consortium partners convened in Poland on 06.-07. June for a Transnational Project Meeting. Dąbrowa Górnicza and Cracow served as vibrant backdrops for pivotal decisions shaping the project's trajectory. During the meeting, crucial administrative matters were addressed, laying the groundwork for the project's next phase. Among the

The G4C:NGE project aims to teach entrepreneurial skills as part of an international study programme focusing on Next Generation Entrepreneurship at five European higher education business institutions. This will give students in the field of entrepreneurship the opportunity to develop and implement sustainable business models and to discuss them together in an international team. In addition,

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