Upcoming Multiplier Event

Playful learning in Next Generation
Entrepreneurship Education


Save the date!   December 2, 2024

We are excited to invite you to the multiplier event of the Erasmus+ project Game4Change:

»Playful learning: Innovative pedagogical approaches for business education«  at DOBA Business School in Maribor, Slovenia, on December 2, 2024.

This engaging event will feature a compelling roundtable discussion:

Introductory keynote by dr. Martin Ebner (TU Graz, Austria):  “How Learning Analytics, Gamification and beyond can contribute to Online Learning”

Roundtable: “Analytics-enhanced Playfulness: Leveraging Data to Innovate Game-Based Learning in Business education”

Join us as we delve into:

  • Discussing how learning analytics can enhance the effectiveness of game-based learning strategies by providing insights into learner behavior and engagement.
  • Addressing how data and analytics can inform the design of engaging and educationally effective games, enhancing learner motivation and outcomes.
  • Sharing real-world examples and best practices of how learning analytics have been successfully integrated into game-based learning initiatives.
  • Discussing emerging trends and future directions for the intersection of learning analytics and game-based learning, and how these developments might shape online education.
  • Ethical implications of using learning analytics in game based lerning incl. limitations/main concerns/dark patterns/ negative aspect

Mark your calendar for this transformative event. More details coming soon!

Date: December 2, 2024

Location: DOBA Business School, Maribor, Slovenia   (+Online)

We look forward to seeing you there!

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